There is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothes

When preparing to send your child to Nature’s Atelier we ask that families gather appropriate clothing so that children can take advantage of the outdoor environments on offer.

Everyday Everyone

Please send a change of clothes, we never know what a day will offer. We also request that all clothing is named. Lost property is always a struggle to manage but if the clothes are labelled we will be able to return them to their owners.
Please provide a wet bag for any dirty clothes.

Babies and Toddlers in Nappies

We request that families provide cloth nappies sufficient for a day and two wet bags. Disposable nappies are a big problem for our environment they take 200- 500 years to break down. We can contribute to a better future by using cloth nappies. Wet nappies will be placed in the wet bags for you to wash at home. Solids will be removed from soiled nappies and placed in the second wet bag.


In summer children should be dressed for Sun Smart Guidelines. Tops should cover shoulders and be of light, breathable material. Children will need covered shoes for adventures outside the licenced and fenced space. Children should come with a hat which covers ears and the back of the neck– baseball style hats do not offer enough protection.


Clothes for winter should include gum boots, wet weather overalls and coat with hood. On really cold days they may ned a beanie and gloves. The children will spend time outside every day, regardless of the weather, so clothing should be warm.