Long Day Care
1 − 5 DAYS
Educators and children of all ages will sing together, create together, tell stories and make memories which will be shared with the families. They will help to look after the animals in our little farm, work in the veggie garden and come to know the cycle and connected nature of life.

A typical day at the Nature’s Atelier ‘Homestead’
The Homestead will welcome children from 0-5years for Long Day Programs. We have designed this environment to include a Light and Shadow Laboratory, a kitchen open to a dining space, an art studio and two spaces which will be developed for different age groups but will allow for flow so that siblings can be together through the day.
Families who come to our Homestead for the long day program will encounter inside and outside environments which are warm and welcoming but also engaging and challenging.
We strive to recognise the vital work of children through a cross between home, a creative space and a laboratory.

All children will have access to the large and challenging outside space for most of the day.
The fenced space is 10 times the size of the space regulated for children in Early Childhood settings, but at times children will have adventures outside the fenced area as they explore the 16-hectare property.
We will all spend the day in a slow flow which honours each child’s age and development.

Families will be greeted by a dedicated educator who will communicate with the family on arrival and at the end of the day.
As much as possible this educator will be their contact whenever they attend Nature’s Atelier. There will be communication of the snacks available for the day, the staff and the days’ possibilities.

During the day infants will engage in sensory discovery alongside other children and in the company of educators. As much as possible the children will spend their days outside, under the trees, or in the sand.
Educators will talk to them as they discuss the sounds, textures, birds, animals and bugs they encounter. Inside they will explore light and shadow possibilities as well as be able to watch colourful fish move and play in the floor level aquarium.

Children will develop independence by accessing their own lunch boxes and managing their individual bodily needs and developing friendships with others in the environment.
Health and safety procedures will become second nature as they wash their hands, and play safely. Find out more about meal times and what is required at the link below.

Bodily needs will be addressed when required slowly and respectfully allowing the child to get to know their body and how it works.
Children will be allowed to sleep when they need to as we work with the families to maintain the family routines. We will encourage children to sleep outside in all weather, snuggly in winter and in the cool in summer.
Sleeping on the outside reduces the spread of colds and promotes peaceful sleep.

Toddlers and Pre-kindy children will find provocations inside and out which will address their cognitive, physical and social explorations.
At this age they will spend some time as a group discussing what they have learnt, singing songs and engaging in storytelling.
Working with clay, wire, wood, wool, paint, food and so much more the children will come to understand the properties of materials.

They will learn to share, to feel empathy, to express themselves and build resilience and respect in a group situation. They will make connections and consolidate their learning, but this will be done by listening to the children and structuring the environment to respond to the child not structuring the child.
All learning at this stage builds the foundations for pre-literacy and numeracy understandings we will take every opportunity to include literacy in natural and authentic contexts.

”Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
Rachel CarsonThe Sense of Wonder

Long Day Care Fees and Child Care Subsidy
Fees are based on the Government estimate for providing Early Childhood programs in Australia. We have priced our programs so that families will have little or no gap between fees charged and the hourly fee the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) covers.
Nature’s Atelier is aware that child care costs can be a struggle for families especially when daily fees can cover hours not required by the families. To assist families we offer a range of options so that you can choose the hours you need and maximise your hours and the subsidy you are eligible for.
For more information on Long Day Cares enrolment please get in touch with our team