Nature’s Atelier aims to be
zero waste project.
”The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them.
Paul HawkinEnvironmentalist

Nature’s Atelier aims to align with natural forces in our pedagogy and in the way we model sustainable living. Over time we will get better at what we do as we discover ways we can refine our practise.
The beginnings of our plan:
Sustainable living practices are a core value of Nature’s Atelier and embedded in our pedagogy. We aim to incorporate connections with the environment in all our actions, nurturing a child’s connection with the planet and welcoming parents and the community to join us in our mission.
At the property, we will have a range of initiatives including recycling & up-cycling practices, composting facilities, shared car-park library, community garden, animal care and many more planned for the future.
Children will learn about sustainable activities and the benefits as a founding value of our home of early learning. We encourage parents and guardians to commit to the sustainability with actions such as sending children to Nature’s Atelier with food scraps to add to the composting.
In all programs, children will be involved in growing food and looking after animals and they will participate in programs to re-generate the land with native plantings learning about the biology of nature and the impact we can have on the world
As we develop the property, we are seeking advice and wisdom from local indigenous elders and look forward to incorporating their feedback into our planning.
Reducing the waste is a key concern from Day One at Nature’s Atelier. As construction begins we have implemented sustainable building resources and limitations on contractors personal rubbish, among other actions.
We envisage our activities across all programs to incorporating waste minimisation, such as art projects using recyclable materials and interacting with the space and life at the property. Our team will always strive to be the leading example for children to watch and process our actions on waste-reduction.
Our administration will be working to be paper-free, with any paper waste planned to be composted and/or reused on site such as shredded paper for animal bedding.
Food wastes will be composted and fed to the animals. Whenever possible supplies will be grown on site or bought in bulk free from packaging. Any glass and plastic will be recycled but we will strive to avoid if possible.
Parents will be encouraged to provide cloth nappies. Wipes will be reusable bamboo flannels. Hand Washing procedure will be implemented instead of disposable gloves when appropriate, we are seeking compostable gloves.
Documentation will be shared through digital platforms and on frame TVs in the classrooms. Toilet paper and tissues are made from recycled materials
Preserving our water supplies. Nature’s Atelier’s water needs are supplied from rain water in the homestead and a bore for the gardens and animals. Both water supplies are fully filtered and your child will be drinking the best quality rainwater they can.
We have installed composting toilets for all the new facilities we need for the project. These toilets use no water, they look just like normal toilets and being the best quality new generation no water toilets, they do not smell.
Sourcing Resources
Where possible we have sourced materials locally and from pre-loved sources. There is so much in the community which can support our project and model sustainable living.
Materials, as much as possible are from natural renewable resources however there are some which are not
At the moment we have a solar hot water system, solar panels and mains power but in the future we aim to put the whole project on solar power with battery backup.
Replanting the land
It is the intention of the project that we will revegetate the property with indigenous plants particularly with bush tucker species and plants to attract birds and insects. We will also be aiming to grow fruits and vegetables for the community.
We encourage feedback on our ideas and welcome anyone to put forward theirs so that we may create a project that is harmonious with our environment for many generations to come